Modern Interior Design: Anything Goes

Image copyright Clair Strong Interior Design

“The rules are… there are no rules”

That quote is from a classic movie, do you know which one? (Hint: it’s Grease). In the film it was said during the car race scene but I’ve commandeered it as my motto for modern interior design.

Because there absolutely should be no rules when it comes to interior design, or at least no rules that can’t be broken! Your home should be a joyful form of self-expression and a reflection of your personality. Recently, I’ve noticed people are becoming more confident with this, filling their homes with the stuff they love rather than slavishly following fashion.

(Not) Keeping Up With the Joneses

‘Undecorating’ – as coined by textile designer Christiane Lemieux – is the ultimate anti-trend. It’s about following your gut instinct instead of the crowd. It’s a departure from stylised show home looks and symmetrical coordination.

We all have that teenage instinct within us to rebel and undecorating lets us express that a little. It’s about trying new things, even if they seem a bit wild. Modern interior design is constantly evolving, and keeping up with trends would be exhausting, not to mention expensive, so don’t! Create your own trends instead.


Many people describe this type of modern interior design as eclectic because it pulls inspiration from different time periods, locations and sources. The home can be filled with mismatching furniture, miscellaneous colours and treasures from overseas travel. Or you could adopt an authentically medieval look with tapestries and dark wood everywhere. The point is you can do whatever you like.

There are no rules but I can offer one solid tip for undecorating your home:

Only buy and display things in your home that make you happy. If you love it, you can live with it – even if it clashes with the curtains.

If in Doubt, Seek Help

One of my recent projects: a King's Circus Penthouse

One of my recent projects – King’s Circus Penthouse

Many of my clients want to express themselves in their home design, but lack confidence or are unsure how to. Deliberately breaking the rules can be nerve-wracking. What if it all goes hideously wrong?

If you love the idea of un-decorating, but have no idea where to start, an interior designer can help. It’s our job to help you achieve the look you’re after; even if that look isn’t really a ‘look’ at all. We know how to make clashing colours work, and how to pair that antique lamp with the ultra-modern side table.